Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Energy Day Forum 2009

SemPena Energy Day ~ Islam amat melarang melakukan pembaziran sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala dalam Surah Al Israa' ayat 27 tafsirnya :

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang boros itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan, sedang syaitan itu pula adalah makhluk yang sangat kufur kepada Tuhan-Nya".


"Dari Abi Hurairah Radiallahuanhu katanya : Telah bersabda Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam : Roh seseorang Mukmin itu tergantung-gantung (dihalang daripada tempat yang mulia) dengan sebab hutangnya sehinggalah hutangnya itu dilunaskan". (Riwayat Al-Imam At-Termidzi)

On the 24th may DeClarEd As BRUNEI ENERGY DAY
SloGan : ChAnGe MattErs ---Awang Cekmat

Small Change Make a BiG DiFFerence...
Act Now Change Matters!!!

You know one of the reason why we should be proud as Bruneian... From the Speaker during the forum said that...'

" One Of The 5 light bulbs in Tokyo ..Light up by BRUNEI"...

It Sounds cool ryte...~

Energy Day Forum held on Tuesday the 26th may 2009 at Sheraton Utama Hotel. The forum mentioned about the fact that nowadays we must aware of the energy used coz not only it is for us but also for our next generation-children-grandchildren.. Main highlight during the forum :

1. No MoRe eAsY oiL ...( Ani sanang jua ati sedikit mendgr compare to NO mOre Oil..nauzubillah dijauhkan..so start act now ... save energy !! )

2. EnerGies LookiNg AHead
- more alternatives like using solar- wind turbine introduced- ...this may help the saving...

One of the tips that i remember is for air conditioner ....1 degree celcius increase may save 10 % of energy =)

interframe cia jua mic atu a huhuhu

with khairunnisa

Jenny host of de day

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